ODITech will be performing maintenance on the server fms-01-atl.oditech.com, which could affect your service.
Start time: Wed, Nov 13 10:00PM EST
Estimated completion time: Thur, Nov 14, 6:00AM EST
Estimated downtime: Your service will be unavailable throughout the entirety of the maintenance window (10PM – 6AM)
Server Affected: fms-01-atl.oditech.com
Server Affected: fms-01-atl.oditech.com
To ensure the best hosting experience possible we are planning a migration of the server that hosts your services in Atlanta. You will be sent to a newer, more robust data center. The new data center features additional redundancy. Which will provide a more stable server environment. In addition, this move will enable us to upgrade our SAN hardware to a cutting-edge platform. This platform is provided by a Tier 1 storage vendor. We will be performing the SAN upgrade in the coming weeks. And will communicate more information soon.
This migration will take place on Wednesday, Nov 13th 10:00PM EST and complete on Thursday, Nov 14th 6:00AM EST. And during this time your services will not be available. We apologize for any inconvenience this maintenance may cause. Also, we invite you to contact our support teams via ticket or email at support@oditech.com. Should you have any questions regarding this maintenance, we would be happy to assist.
ODITech Team