ODI Tech Helps You Solve Challenges with
Custom FileMaker Development & Websites

ODI specializes in FileMaker development and design. So, if you need a customized FileMaker database solution built from scratch, a FileMaker starter solution enhanced or Custom Web Publishing, ODI Tech does it. For 14 years, we have provided FileMaker design and hosting to businesses, schools, government and non-profits. Not to mention several other small local businesses which goes to show the range of needs that ODI is equipped to handle.

We offer FileMaker development for multiple platforms – FileMaker Pro, Instant Web Publishing, Custom Web Publishing and FileMaker Go for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Since ODI Tech creates office solutions for every industry and budget, almost any situation has a place to start here.

Organizing Data Makes Your Organization
More Efficient & Profitable

ODI Tech designs new FileMaker applications and streamlines existing databases to help you save time and money. Therefore, our goal is to make the work day more efficient and awarding by helping to automate redundant tasks.

So, you can organize, link and store any type of data – text, photos, videos, sound files, PDF files and illustrations – to keep your team on the same page.

Finally FileMaker solutions allow your business, school or organization to track people, projects, assets and inventory. Additionally, we build web-enabled databases that let you share this data with customers or partners worldwide.

Web-enabled Databases Bring Your Information to the World

With ODI’s Custom Web Publishing, your customers and team can search, share and change records remotely through the internet. Therefore, changes to the online database are instantaneous, so webpages with products, projects and shopping carts are always up to date.

Millions are using FileMaker on both Windows & Mac and rely on these solutions to simplify daily tasks and serve clients better. Learn more.

Examples of Custom
FileMaker Solutions

    • Web-enabled database of a popular music producer’s songs and albums


    • Specialized GPA system for a beauty school that tracks hours and course grades


    • Dentist database of patients’ dental work, checkups and appointment reminders


  • System tracking customers’ car repairs, invoices and regular maintenance for an auto shop

filemaker development

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